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自主練方法の一つは、お風呂や車の中でお稽古する方法です。声を出すとリフレッシュ出来る副産物付きです。 この講座は、能の経験や日本文化の知識が全くない方でも 6ヶ月で謡曲1曲マスターできるように 、 対面稽古もしくは他の受講者を気にせず学べて国内外どこからでも受講できる1対1のオンライン講座があります。


✅ 文化は学んではいけない

✅ インスタ映えする国立能楽堂ってどのようなところ?

✅ 「離見の見」の真髄って?

✅ 650年続く SDG’Sな文化とは?


私はこれまで30年にわたり能のお稽古をしてきましたが、 多くの方が能楽の敷居の高さを感じるポイントは共通しています。 そこで、今からはじめる方がよりスムーズに成果を出せるよう、

「知るともっと日本人」講座を開催することにしました。 あなたのご参加を心よりお待ちしています!






1967年、8歳のとき観世流のヨーロッパ 7か国公演に加わり「菊慈童(きくじどう)」のシテ(主役)を務めました。




東京千駄ヶ谷国立能楽堂で主催する舞謡會では、数々の素人の 初舞台が成功するようにプロデュース。経験ゼロでも能舞台の自分に拍手喝采ができる入門講座はじめ、知るともっと日本人講座ほか多数の講座を設けています。

信念は「一期一会の人生は、一期一会の舞台から」 経験ゼロからの初舞台プログラムを実施しています。

これまでに、会社員、教師、保育士、医師、歯科医師、経営者、 弁護士、大学教授、主婦、幼稚園生、小学生、中学生、高校生、大学生などを 経験ゼロから国立能楽堂の能舞台に初出演するプロデュースに携わるなど次世代育成に取り組み、2022年も女性能楽師を誕生させました。

Empty Mug and Plaid on Wooden Armchair

\Beginners are welcome!!/

Noh Music Introductory Seminar

9th Hashioka Kyutaro

"I want to learn about Japanese culture."

"I want to stand on the Noh stage."

"Bringing more pleasure through your life time."

For you.

In the past 30 years, we have served more than 1,000 people.

The Noh play is the first intangible cultural heritage to be listed by UNESCO.

I have led amateurs to stand on the Noh stage.

We share the same hobby.

My only singing experience is Karaoke.

I thought that Noh was something to watch, but I started practicing with my husband. Noh is much more fun to dance and chant yourself than to just watch it.

When I was first invited by a friend, I was soon completely addicted, and now my golf friends also praise my performance.

They started Noh as one of their hobby.

She now performs on the radio and he is now a good enough performer to perform with a professional troupe.

When I was single, I learned dance, but I became a mother of three, and I finally started practicing Noh. The tea ceremony, kabuki, and the noh practice that is the basis of everything are profound and fun. It is always a supporting role at home, but there is a real pleasure of being able to play the leading role on the Noh stage. My second son entered elementary school and said that he wanted to practice the same way as mom, and being able to practice together became one of the life worth living moment.

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Professional" direct guidance

This ONLINE course is designed to provide students with experience in Noh and knowledge of Japanese culture.

Even if you have no experience at all, you can master a piece of music in 6 months without worrying about other students.

The course is designed to help students learn how to use their skills and knowledge in a fun and exciting way.

Some of the course contents include...

✅ Culture is a feeling

✅ Let's stand in the National Noh Theatre

What is the essence of a once-in-a-lifetime encounter?

Noh is an SDG'S culture that has continued for 650 years.

✅Make your voice an instrument

These include. I have been practicing Noh for 30 years, and many people have the same point in common: they feel uneasy to practice Noh and feel that the Noh stage is too grand for them. Therefore, in order to make it easier for those who are aiming for their first Noh performance to achieve success, I have decided to offer a Noh workshop.

We will hold an "Introductory Lecture @ Noh 1 piece Master Course. We are looking forward to your participation!

Born in Akasaka, Tokyo in 1958.

Trained by his grandfather and father, he made his stage debut at the age of 3 in "Old Pine Tree".

In 1967, at the age of 8, he joined the Kanze school's tour of 7 European countries and performed the leading role of Shite in "Kiku Jido". Since then, he has successfully performed Noh in 36 countries and 23 countries overseas.

He has performed "Sagi" and "Dojoji," as well as other major and secret Noh plays, and has taught at elementary and junior high schools, high schools, universities, and cultural organizations in Japan and abroad.

In 1996, he assumed the name of Kyutaro Hashioka IX, and in 2015 received the Foreign Minister's Commendation.

He has produced many successful first performances for amateurs at Maiyokai, a Noh dance festival held at the National Noh Theatre in Sendagaya, Tokyo. He is also active in teaching introductory courses that enable even those with no experience to applaud their own performance on the Noh stage, as well as courses for those who want to learn more about the Japanese and training courses for instructors.

His belief is "Once-in-a-lifetime life starts from once-in-a-lifetime stage".

He has been involved in the training of the next generation, including producing company employees, teachers, nursery school teachers, doctors, dentists, executives, lawyers, university professors, housewives, kindergarten students, elementary school students, junior high school students, high school students, and university students from zero experience to their first performance on the Noh stage at the National Noh Theatre.

Instructor Profile

Kyutaro Hashioka IX, Nohgaku Hashioka-kai


Noh Music Introductory Seminar

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